A screenshot of a chat I took sometime ago surfaced on my screen as I scrolled through the pictures backed up on my Google Photos account. Immediately, past memories of the chat shared by I and my four friends, Amaka, Samantha, Funke and Sophia sprung up.
All five of us had finished school at the time and had gotten jobs. We usually met in the evenings after we closed from work mostly on Fridays. After a while, Samantha got transferred to Delta State for work purposes and due to Samantha’s quiet nature, she hardly kept in touch as we all had been doing. Sooner than later, Samantha got transferred again to Canada and then we lost contact with her. Her Facebook account was inactive throughout the time which made matters worse.
One certain evening, while four of us were eating, i noticed a certain gentleman sitting beside us who looked frustrated. He waved at us while we were leaving and we all giggled wondering who the stranger was. Little did we know he was beckoning on us to pick up our phone. It was Funke’s. One thing led to the other and both of them got chatting. The next time we met, Funke told us how she couldn’t believe good guys still existed because he, Dayo, made sure he got her phone back to her.
Dayo and Funke chatted on a daily basis and Dayo began having feelings for her. He was a “church guy”. Funke didn’t like the “church folks” so she lost interest in him. To worsen the case, Dayo was unemployed at the time. Funke would tell us that she just couldn’t picture her future with Dayo, she envisaged that if they ended up together, it would be a disaster.
On subsequent occasions, four of us would meet and Funke would refer to him as ‘the idiot’ who often says yes to whatever she wanted and will practically kiss her feet and we would laugh as she always said it funnily. We would say, “but the guy isn’t that bad, girl, give him a chance”. Whenever she got pissed, she sent screenshots of their conversations to us and in her words, “just look at what this human being that you guys are saying is not bad has sent again. Imagine, he doesn’t have a job, he looks frustrated and again he goes to church. I don’t like those type of guys. My dad is a Senator, I can’t settle for less”.
Years later, Funke got married to her “prince charming“, Segun. He was the perfect picture Funke painted and always wanted but he had an arrogant attitude which over a while rubbed off on Funke. She had become distant so we weren’t close friends like before. Amaka had traveled Abroad for her PhD where she caught up with Samantha. Sophia was married with a child while I was I was the only single lady left in the club.
Few months after i established my business, i decided to settle down and i planned to have all four of my friends but Samantha(because i didn’t think she would honor my invitation which I sent through Amaka since her number was always unreachable) to be present at my wedding. Amaka had promised to be at my wedding. Funke and Sophia too.

I couldn’t contain the joy i felt as i saw four of my friends sitting together at one of the round tables at my wedding. I quickly left my husband on the high table to greet them all with a warm embrace. Tears filled my eyes. It was an emotional moment. Samantha told me she wanted introducing her husband to the four of us. Lo and behold, it was Dayo. We were star struck. Funke didn’t hold back the tears from her eyes as she saw Dayo kiss his wife. After exchanging pleasantries, Dayo and Samantha excused themselves as they had another event to attend. With the little gestures he portrayed like moving Samantha’s chair backwards for her to pass through to the way he held her bag as they walked out kept us all awing like we were watching a Romantic movie. One would think they were newlyweds. But no, they were 4 years in marriage. The “idiot” whose messages Funke took screenshots of and belittled was now a Super hero. Funke told the three of us that she regretted her actions. Her husband had all the money she wanted but he never treated her like a human being not to talk of giving her the love a wife deserved. In her own words, “What you don’t cherish, you lose. Look! The screenshot of my idiot are the words I long to hear now. How I w-i-s-h…” As she spoke, she began stammering and immediately broke down in tears and rushed out of the hall. I had almost forgotten it was my wedding day.
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