I lost so many things. Why should I be thankful?

Hello there! Welcome to the last day of the first half of the year. In simple terms, we begin the second half of the year tomorrow. As you sit back to reflect on your experiences so far in the last six months, the enemy may try to sow seeds of discouragement, despondency and sadness. 

More so, he will try to remind you of how much progress your mate’s /colleagues/ friends have made while you lay sorrowfully with a drab image of yours showing little or no progress. But hey! Wipe off such thoughts from your head as I bring you good news on this beautiful day.

Are these your words, I lost so many things, why should I be thankful? Come with me:

Let’s go!

 ONE: Be thankful for life

For life, we thank God!

I can’t even begin to illustrate the many incidents that occurred these past six months. The number of lives lost while sleeping, walking, crossing the road, driving, or even just seated at home is baffling. You’ll agree with me that there have been many mishaps you encountered but narrowly escaped. Isn’t this reason enough to be thankful for the life that you still have? 

TWO: Be thankful for the friends and family in your life:

Maybe you got rejected by a friend you thought would become a life time partner or you got betrayed by a family member or you got jilted and perhaps dumped, there is still a reason to be thankful. That the last six months didn’t yield a meaningful relationship with whom you thought would, isn’t enough reason to overlook the few-genuine friends and family you still have by your side.

Family and friends make up an integral part of our lives

Don’t throw away your basket of precious eggs because one of them fall and got shattered while you were carrying it. That might just have been the bad one which fell off! Though you may not realize it yet, just thank God for the ones left. God might have just saved you from a future heartbreak that could have been worse and made you a wreck. Thank God that you still have people to talk to and who, in return, are concerned about your well-being.

THREE: Be thankful for disappointments

Lost a job, contract, or business deal? Failed an exam, test, or interview? There’s still reason to be thankful. Like Jason Mason said,

Remember, a stumble is not a fall. In fact, that stumble may prevent a fall.

Disappointments are not last stops

What if that disappointment was to prevent you from a mishap that you never thought would occur? Why don’t you thank God because something better will knock on your door in the next six months, and though you can’t see it yet, praise Him in advance? 

FOUR: Be thankful for the absence of bad news

 Do you know that bad news fly faster than good news? Do you realize that, unknown to you, many may have been waiting for the next negative hot topic to discuss about you? Take a minute to appreciate God for not giving the enemy cause to laugh at you.

FIVE: Be thankful that God is mindful of you

Have you ever imagined what would happen to you if men were to be God? Imagine if, for a day, your interest no longer mattered to God? Or that He decided to write you off? What would your fate be? Take a look at what the Psalmist said, 

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and
the son of man, that thou visitest him?

This is proof that our existence is dependent on the mercies of our Creator, and not because we merit anything at all. The air you breathe is evidence of the fact that He is mindful of you.

Dear reader, I hope you see reasons to give God the glory for His indisputable faithfulness in extending His unfailing mercies towards you. Lay aside your losses and begin to count your blessings. Yes, your losses may have come as a shock, but that doesn’t mean they are endpoints

If you are as thankful as I am, take a minute to download this song by a seasoned woman of God who sums it up in a few lines in her recent song, God Be Praised, because indeed, God is worthy to be praised.

Remember, a thankful heart is a tank-full heart.


I’m a Jesus Junkie, lovingly loving with common sense ;), a business-minded engineer, a sister, and a daughter who loves worshipping and connecting with my Source, my darling Saviour. Hearing from you is my utmost pleasure. Feel free at anytime to mail me.

    • Sunday

      Sometimes, it takes sickness for one to start appreciating life & good health; it takes lack to know the real value of divine provision; ask that your neighbour who went to bed hungry last night, he will tell you the value of having food on ur table; ask a man who is facing many troubles, he will tell you the worth of peace of mind. Talk to that ur friend who is jobless, she will tell u how fortunate you are to have something doing. Let’s not learn thankfulness the hard way. Thought provoking post. More Inspiration Ma.

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