How To Find The Relationship You’ve Been Waiting For

According to etymology, the word ‘relationship’ stems from two words, ‘relation’ and ‘ship’, and is the “sense or state of being related.”

Growing up, life suggests that we live and thrive through relationships, and this is why it’s important to know with whom we get into a relationship. However, we just can’t know this until we know this secret to finding the right relationship. You will discover that some of our relationships end up badly because we didn’t get into this relationship I’m about to introduce you into. Let me tell you my story:

I met this man with whom I fell in love after his several attempts at getting my attention. My close circle tried all they could to convince me into accepting Him, but I wasn’t ready to be tied to a man because of my previous experience. After much internal deliberations coupled with his relentless efforts and sacrifices made, I finally accepted his request. Truth be told, I have never loved anyone with whom I have felt comfortable sharing virtually all my secrets because I’m always careful not to let them out to someone who’ll eventually use them against me, but this was absolutely different. Before I met him, though, this had happened to me.

A relationship that made a wreck of me!

I was in a relationship with a guy who I thought loved me, but who rather used me mercilessly. Each time I tried to run away, he would guilt-shame me and remind me that I had no one to run to save the streets of distress. However, I summoned courage and ran away one afternoon. I stayed on that street for days, not until one day, a couple invited me into their house. They told me I could live with them as long as I’d wanted to. That moment was priceless for me. All I could think of was water to drink and food to eat. I was famished. 

They introduced me to this man who did not only take me as His lover, but as His friend. He was gentle and kind. He strongly believed in the rules of #NSTM and #NKTM,. Confused about its meaning? Find out here and even when i thought a relationship couldn’t thrive with without them, he simply proved me wrong. He showed me there was more to a relationship than all I thought.

He reached my soul beyond my body.

Each time I woke up in the morning, I would find love notes beside my bed. He had written sweet messages which mostly contained his promises for me. What’s a relationship without promises? They are very much needed.

He told me he knew I was going to be great and that all I needed was to walk in that path of greatness. He gently gave me the secrets of life success and when I felt so overwhelmed with everything that pertained to it, he would tell me that he was willing to carry it all for me. I couldn’t believe it until i began to see him fulfill all of his promises without failing any of them.

It’s been over a decade since I got into this relationship with him, and I can’t deny the fact that he’s been the sweetest Person I’ve ever met in life. 
Sometimes, I let the troubles of life overshadow his promises for me, but He always reminded me of them. He told me if I needed a hand to walk me through life, he would give me someone who won’t just touch my heart, but my body, and at the right time. This man showed me the blueprints for the right relationships, and although I sometimes allowed my flesh decide for me, each time I went back to him, he would activate His Spirit in me. He was and still is my simple Secret.

His name is what I call: Just Excellent Satisfying Unconditional Superintendent. That’s his name: JESUS. He took me from broken relationships into whole relationships. From unhealthy relationships into healthy ones. From lustful relationships into a loving relationship. I now know how to identify the right relationships for me. 

I am so sure you want to know him and he is more than excited to know you, love you and care for you. This prayer is the connection you need with him. It is the link to receiving this simple Secret. Please say this aloud very convincingly.
Dear Jesus, I thank you for this day. Thank you because you are interested in loving and caring for me. Lord, I have been in the worst of relationships which have left me neglected, broken, betrayed and lost. I ask that you heal me from all the pain I feel and restore me back to yourself. I confess that I have been…. (please mention the evil you have committed) but I ask that you forgive me of all my sins. Thank you for revealing yourself as the simple Secret for a healthy relationship. Thank you because from today, your Spirit leads me. For in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Congratulations!!! You just got the password to finding the right relationships. Henceforth, His Spirit within you makes you discern what kind of relationships to get into. 
After my sincere and deliberate walk with Him,  He has had mercy on me and put me into the most beautiful relationships I have never seen nor imagined.

If you’ve known Him and you’re still struggling with finding the perfect one, please don’t confuse delay for denial. He’s working it out for you. Now that you’ve known the secret, I’ll be bringing you some tips he opened my eyes to see. You only need to subscribe be the first to receive it.

Please do let me know if you’ve been blessed by this post by leaving your comments, contributions and questions below. I’ll be more than happy to reply them all.

Till I come your way next time, do remain in God… Muahhh!!! 

PS: The resources here and here will help you as well. Be sure to check them out!


I’m a Jesus Junkie, lovingly loving with common sense ;), a business-minded engineer, a sister, and a daughter who loves worshipping and connecting with my Source, my darling Saviour. Hearing from you is my utmost pleasure. Feel free at anytime to mail me.

  1. Joy Ojimaojo

    Prisca, I must highly recommend you for a wonderful post 👏 👏 👏
    Thank you for making Jesus known, I’m proud of you dear 😘

  2. Ruth Oluwadare

    There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus, during those low moments he was right there beside me, thanks for another reminder of a lovely and truthful friend

  3. How | To | Please | God | Sexually | In | Your | Relationship

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